Monday, October 14, 2013

Food & Nutrition: Healthy Benefits of Red Wine

Red wine is known to reverse the effect of dying ear hair cells which marks the onset of losing hearing abilities. Raise your glasses and hear them clink, more clearly each time. On a side note, the article does not encourage you to get a bottle of red wine and binge on it.

1. Stay young forever
Red wine contains a LOT of anti-oxidants. Lots mean LOTS and LOTS of them. These are the primary compounds that have anti-ageing properties and even help with diabetes. It might not be the ever illusive “Fountain of youth” but it can be safely said that the Spanish were better off sipping the drink of the gods.

2. Let it beat
Just fell in love and gave your heart to someone? Well, at least make it last a bit. Red wine contains a powerful anti-oxidant known as “Resveratrol”. Consuming red wine cuts the harmful effects of the “bad” LDL cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots while increasing the level of “good” LDL cholesterol.

3. More brainy
A recent study shows a boost in brain power for women who enjoy a little alcohol. The study, published in the Jan. 20 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, evaluated more than 12,000 women aged 70-81. Moderate drinkers had a 23% reduced risk of mental decline compared with non-drinkers. No reason not to have a glass before that big exam the next day.

4. Control the dreaded cancer
Yes, that’s right. Red wine can prevent and even cure cancer. The oxidative damage to body functions, the primary cause of Alzheimer’s, type – 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be readily prevented by the consumption of anti-oxidants found in red wine. These in conjunction with chemo therapy can enhance its success rate greatly.

5. Stay slim the French way
The French have a peculiar habit of having wine with their meals. Apparently, alcohol stimulates the appetite so it is better to drink it with food. When alcohol is mixed with food, it slows the stomach’s emptying time and decreases the amount of food consumed at the meal.

6. Healthy white shining teeth
Red wine hardens the enamel of the tooth to prevent tooth decay. Hardened enamel is much more resistant to micro-organisms causing dental problems. Even though red wine cannot replace your regular dentist but it certainly contributes to dental well-being.

7. Keeping the digestive system clean
Studies have found that red wine has anti-bacterial properties too. In the past it was used as a full-fledged antiseptic, but that is not what doctors recommend today. Scientists show that red wine can kill bacteria related to gastritis and peptic ulcers as well as being closely linked to stomach cancer.

8. Hear well
Red wine is known to reverse the effect of dying ear hair cells which marks the onset of losing hearing abilities. Raise your glasses and hear them clink, more clearly each time. On a side note, the article does not encourage you to get a bottle of red wine and binge on it. Always remember, the term to abide by is “MODERATION”. The positive health effects are only experienced when an optimum limit of 1-3 glasses a day is followed. Have more and there’s no guarantee you will not become yet another alcoholic.

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