Monday, August 12, 2013

Shark Bites Man As He Kissed It

Diving guide Dave Marcel had been taking tourists out on Elbow Reef off Key Largo, Florida for years - allowing them to interact with the reef's wildlife including the 300-pound nurse shark.

These sharks are not usually aggressive, and love being petted.

Marcel would prove their harmlessness by kissing the sharks, and then allowing the tourists to do the same.

Until the day one of the sharks bit back.

The shark bite was caught on camera and aired on Discovery Channel as a part of this year's 'Shark Week.'

Marcel's key mistake that day was flipping the shark upside down before planting a smooch - something he hadn't done before.

Marcel didn't realize that since the shark's eyes are on top of it's head, it wouldn't see him and would assume he was being fed fish. 

Instead of passively receiving the peck, the shark bit down with all 500 of it's razor-sharp teeth.

Lesson of the bite: don't kiss a shark Spider-Man style.

Marcel, not about to let a shark bite get him down, was out in the water again three days later.

'You can not be a wild animal handler without having the expectation that you will be bitten,' Marcel said. 'It's a part of the job.'

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